17.4 C
Istanbul, TR
Monday, September 30, 2024

Turkish Malls, Barbershops Reopen Amid Easing of Restrictions

Shopping malls, barbershops and beauty salons across Turkey resumed business after nearly two months on Monday as the country gradually eases restrictions...

“ABD’de İşsizlik Oranı Muhtemelen Daha Kötü Olacak”

Amerika’da Maliye Bakanı Steven Mnuchin, işsizlik oranının azalmadan önce muhtemelen daha kötüye gideceğini belirtti. Mnuchin bu açıklamasını FOX televizyonuna yaptı.

Turkey’s Banking Watchdog Removes FX Transaction Ban on 3 Foreign Banks

Turkey's Banking Regulation and Supervision Agency (BDDK) announced Monday that a ban imposed last week on three banks for Turkish lira-foreign exchange...

White House: US Jobless Rate Could Hit 25% Amid COVID-19

The official U.S. unemployment rate linked to the coronavirus pandemic is already at 14.7%, but top White House officials said Sunday they...

Treasury Posts $6.6 Billion Cash Deficit in April

Turkish Treasury's cash balance this April posted a deficit of 46.2 billion Turkish liras ($6.6 billion), the Treasury and Finance Ministry said...

US Moves to Exclude Chinese Equipment from Electric Power Grid

WASHINGTON - An executive order issued last week proposes to “monitor and replace” any U.S. power grid equipment made by the nation’s...

US Jobless Rate Spikes to 14.7%, Highest Since Great Depression

WASHINGTON - The U.S Labor Department said Friday the coronavirus-caused unemployment rate surged to 14.7% in April, a depth of turmoil in...

BDDK Harekete Geçti! 3 Yabancı Bankaya İşlem Yasağı Geldi

Bankacılık Düzenleme ve Denetleme Kurumu Türk bankalarına TL yükümlülüklerini vadesinde yerine getirmeyen BNP Paribas SA, Citibank NA, UBS AG'ye işlem yasağı getirdi.

US Unemployment Jumps to 33.5M, as World’s Largest Economy Stumbles

The pace of claims for unemployment compensation slowed marginally in the U.S. last week, but another 3.2 million still filed for the...

Türkiye için 4 Aşamalı Normalleşme Planı

Cumhurbaşkanı Tayyip Erdoğan, pandemi sonrası normalleşme süreciyle ilgili, “Tedbirleri hızlandırabiliriz de tekrar sıkabiliriz de, bu pandemi ile ilgili gelecek verilere bağlı” dedi....
