23.7 C
Istanbul, TR
Saturday, June 29, 2024

Akkuyu’da Hedef 2023 Yılında Santrali Devreye Sokmak

Türkiye ilk ünitesini 2023 yılında devreye sokmayı planladığı Akkuyu Nükleer Santrali’nin üçüncü ünitesinin temelini bugün attı. Rusya Nükleer Enerji şirketinin (Rosatom) inşa ettiği nükleer santraldeki...

COVID Relief Deal Clears Congress, Heads for Biden’s Signature

The U.S. House of Representatives on Wednesday passed President Joe Biden’s $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief package aimed at giving a financial boost to American...

“Teşvik Paketi için Nihai Onay Bu Hafta”

Temsilciler Meclisi’nin Demokrat Başkanı Nancy Pelosi’ye göre Senato’nun kendi versiyonunu kabul ettiği 1,9 trilyon dolarlık teşvik paketi Çarşamba günü yeniden Meclis'te ele alınacak. Pelosi, tasarının...

China posts record exports as global demand recovers from COVID

China’s export growth jumped to the highest level in more than two decades, official data showed, with imports also surging in a sharp bounce...

Turkey Introduces New Tax for Upscale Houses

An extra tax will be paid for houses with a value of more than 5.25 million Turkish Liras ($710,335) according to a communique published...

Trump Threatens Not to Sign COVID-19 Aid Package, Government Funding Bill

U.S. President Donald Trump threatened Tuesday to not sign a massive year-end bill passed by Congress that includes nearly $900 billion in coronavirus aid...

Deal on Fed Removes Obstacle to US COVID Relief

WASHINGTON - Top congressional lawmakers struck a late-night agreement on the last major obstacle to a COVID-19 economic relief package costing nearly $1 trillion,...

Ron Johnson Twice Blocks Covid Stimulus Checks

“I’m not heartless. I want to help people. I voted to help people," he said. Sen. Ron Johnson is rolling out a bold platform as...

Congress Averts Shutdown; Fight Continues Over Pandemic Aid

WASHINGTON - Congress passed a two-day stopgap spending bill Friday night, averting a partial government shutdown and buying yet more time for frustratingly slow...

US Jobless Benefit Claims Increased Again Last Week

U.S. unemployment benefit claims rose again last week, the Labor Department reported Thursday, as the surging number of coronavirus cases restricts many businesses throughout...
