21.2 C
Istanbul, TR
Sunday, September 29, 2024

Cem Karaca: ‘Bard of Anatolian Rock’

One of Turkey’s most beloved recording artists, Karaca pioneered Turkish folk music in a Western style. Turkey commemorated singer-songwriter...

Turkish Opera ‘Troy’ to Take Stage at Russia’s Bolshoi Theater

“Troy,” one of the most important productions of Turkey’s State Opera and Ballet (DOB) in 2018, will open to the world and...

Kazancı Bedih: Urfa’s Famous Local Singer

A boilermaker by profession, Kazancı Bedih was a local singer who was famous in traditional Şanlıurfa gatherings and became known throughout the...

Oriental Art Revived with Baharestan’s Eight Gardens

Galeri 77 is hosting Özgür Demirci's latest exhibition, ‘Baharestan: The Story of High Trees and Delicate Flowers with Rivers Flowing Alow,' which...

‘Emotional Timebomb’ by Tracey Emin in London Exhibition

British artist Tracey Emin is unleashing an "emotional timebomb" at her latest exhibition, homing in on what is important to her as...

Turkish Nobel Laureate Novelist Holds Photo Exhibit

'Balkon: Photos by Orhan Pamuk' consists of photos of Istanbul taken by Pamuk from his balcony. Famed Turkish author...

Legendary Heavy Metal Band Uriah Heep to Perform at Zorlu PSM

Uriah Heep set the stage with their hard rock and heavy metal music and were known for many songs such as "Easy...

Ünlü Tiyatrocu Yıldız Kenter Hayatını Kaybetti

Ünlü tiyatrocu Yıldız Kenter, tedavi gördüğü hastanede hayatını kaybetti. Ünlü Tiyatrocu Yıldız Kenter, saat 19.00 sıralarında tedavi gördüğü Amerikan...

Ayşen Gruda’nın Sağlık Durumu Ciddiyetini Koruyor

Mide kanaması şikayetiyle 14 Aralık Cuma günü yoğun bakıma alınan Ayşen Gruda'nın sağlık durumunun ciddiyetini koruduğu bildirildi. Derindere Hastanesi'nden...

‘My Dear Friends’ Exhibition at Depo Istanbul

A new exhibition at Depo Istanbul, titled “My Dear Friends,” presents photography and video installations on Cairo’s Giza Zoo by Irish artist...
