Israel must stop illegal campaigns and the international community needs to stop “modern vandalism,” Turkey’s presidential spokesperson İbrahim Kalın said on May 16.

“Israel’s policy of occupation and annexation is an invitation to more conflict and escalation,” Kalın said on Twitter.

“Turkey and everyone with a sense of justice will stand by the Palestinian people,” in regards to Israel’s recent plans to annex and further occupy the West Bank.

Israel is expected to carry out the annexation July 1, as agreed between Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the head of Blue and White party Benny Gantz.

Palestinian officials have threatened to abolish bilateral agreements with Israel if it goes ahead with the annexation that will undermine the two-state solution.

The plan comes as part of U.S. President Donald Trump’s so-called “Deal of the Century” that was announced Jan. 28. It refers to Jerusalem as “Israel’s undivided capital” and recognizes Israeli sovereignty over large parts of the West Bank.

The plan states the establishment of a Palestinian state in the form of an archipelago connected by bridges and tunnels.

Turkey slams EU declaration on Eastern Mediterranean

Meanwhile, EU foreign minister’s declaration on the latest developments in the eastern Mediterranean are the “last example of a fruitless discourse,” Turkey’s foreign ministry spokesperson said on May 16.

It serves “no purpose,” said Hami Aksoy.

He said the approach, encircled by Greece and Greek Cyprus’ illegitimate claims, which ignores Turkey’s well-meaning efforts, has no chance of contributing to regional peace and stability.

“Having failed to show solidarity in the fight with novel coronavirus, it is interesting that the EU shows it unconditionally when it is about Greek Cyprus,” he said.

“Instead of blindly supporting Greece and Greek Cyprus, what EU needs to do is to show common sense, and act in line with Turkey and TRNC’s [Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus] legitimate rights and international law. As always,
we want to repeat that we are open to a fair dialogue.”

EU foreign ministers held a video conference meeting on May 14 and published a declaration that urged Turkey to “respect EU countries’ maritime jurisdiction and sovereignty in territorial waters.”