A Turkish mother has been found alive after she went missing for three days in the wild, telling journalists through her brother that a bear and wolf approached but did not harm her.

Pınar Unus, 34, was reported lost in the eastern Turkish province of Erzurum’s Aşkale district on Sept. 16.

Local media reported on Sept. 21 that Unus was found some 10 kilometers away from the town by search and rescue teams three days later.

The mother of two, who reportedly has psychological problems, was hospitalized as she was exhausted, scared and confused.

Her brother told journalists that the woman was able to speak and told her story. According to him, Unus “felt depressed and started to walk toward the highland plains near the town when she was lost.”

“She said she ate rose hips to survive. She could not sleep for days because of wild animals. She said that a bear and a wolf once approached but did not harm her,” her brother, Aziz Unus, added.