Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency also completes other projects for education and culture in Venezuela.

The Turkish state aid agency successfully carried out projects for health, education, and art in Venezuela, the agency said on Saturday.

The Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency (TIKA) provided medical equipment to the Materno Infatil Comandante Supremo Hugo Rafael Chavez Frias hospital, including five incubators, two beds with radiant heaters, and two phototherapy units, said a statement by the agency.

TIKA also renovated the hospital’s neonatal unit.

The statement said TIKA redid the environment and landscape setting of the Arte Fuego art school and thus enabled the art courses at the school to continue.

The agency also renovated part of the Palestinian Center, which belongs to the Confederation of Palestinian Communities of Latin America and the Caribbean, representing 700,000 people.

From 2008 to 2018, TIKA carried out 172 projects and activities in South America, mostly in education, health, agriculture, and infrastructure, said the statement.