Limited curfews will be imposed in Turkey on weekends in June when high school and university admission exams are held, the health minister has said.

“The Health Ministry’s Science Board made a recommendation in order to create the necessary conditions for the exams. President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has ordered a limited curfew to prevent the crowds forming on the streets during examination hours and spare the day only for the youth,” Fahrettin Koca wrote on Twitter on June 18.

Eight graders will take the High School Transition System (LGS) exam on June 20 and the Higher Education Institutions Examination (YKS) for university entrance will be held in three sessions on June 27 and June 28.

The first curfew in Turkey was declared April 11-12 to prevent the spread of the coronavirus and was followed by subsequent ones in the recent weeks.

However, the government recently ended the lockdown as part of its normalization program.