Party spokesman says alliance with MHP not easy in local election.

The ruling Justice and Development (AK) Party’s acting chairman said on Monday that they are working on an alliance with the Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) for the upcoming local elections.

“We have agreed to maintain our meetings [on the alliance],” Numan Kurtulmus told reporters after a meeting with MHP officials.

“We are not talking about an easy alliance in the local elections as it was in the general elections,” said Kurtulmus.

“Because, there was an official infrastructure of alliance or alliances [for general elections]; however, now there is a difficulty due to lack of official infrastructure [for the local elections],” he added.

Local elections are set to be held in March across Turkey.

The National Alliance between the AK Party and the MHP was formed this February ahead of the June general elections, and continues in some forms between the two parties.