Turkey confirmed 902 new COVID-19 cases and 19 deaths in the past 24 hours, Health Minister Fahrettin Koca said Wednesday.

The total death toll has reached 5,545, while recoveries hit 205,214 with 1,203 additions, according to data shared by Koca on Twitter.

More than 43,000 tests were conducted in the past 24 hours, while the total tests conducted have reached 4,403,031.

Regarding the recoveries in the last 24 hours, Koca said that they exceed new COVID-19 cases by 300 for the first time in recent days.

“The new case number after 44 days is close to 900 mark,” he said, pointing that masks have become a widespread sight in many cities.

Since the virus emerged in China last December, nearly 15 million COVID-19 cases have been reported worldwide, with recoveries topping 8.9 million, according to figures compiled by Johns Hopkins University. The global death toll currently stands at over 615,000.