Renewable energy, tourism and new technologies to be addressed during Turkey-Germany JETCO meeting.

Turkey and Germany are determined to improve bilateral relations, ministers from the two countries said on Thursday.

Turkish Treasury and Finance Minister Berat Albayrak and German Economy and Energy Minister Peter Altmaier were speaking at a joint news conference in the capital Ankara ahead of Turkey-Germany Joint Economic and Trade Commission (JETCO) meeting.

“Germany is Turkey’s biggest trading partner. I hope this strong economic cooperation will bring political cooperation too,” Albayrak said.

The two countries are ready “politically” to set up much stronger communication channels, Albayrak added.

Stating that the German minister will hold meetings with Turkish officials, including trade minister and the parliament speaker, Albayrak said: “I think those talks will contribute positively to our trade volume and help enhance cooperation.”

He said both ministers are seeking increased investment of German companies in Turkey and Turkish-German firms’ investments in other countries.

Joint trade commission to be establish

“We are determined to maintain our trade ties with Turkey in difficult times, too, and we will do so,” Altmaier said, for his part.

Both sides are keen to form a joint trade commission within the scope of supporting small-medium enterprises, the German minister added.

Altmaier noted that renewable energy, tourism and new technologies will be discussed during Turkey-Germany JETCO meeting.

“There are many people in our country who have connections in Turkey. So we want to benefit from that in the future,” he stressed.

Altmaier said both ministers discussed measures to encourage companies to increase their investments.