Turkish parliament speaker pays official visit to Beijing, highlights importance of cooperation between two parliaments.

Turkey and China have agreed to further develop relations between the parliaments of the two countries during Turkish parliament speaker’s visit to Beijing on Monday.

During his meeting with Li Zhanshu, the chairman of China’s Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress, Binali Yildirim said that not only relations between the governments, but also between the parliaments of the two countries need to be developed for more effective parliamentary diplomacy.

Emphasizing the historic relations between the two countries, Yildirim said that Turkey and China share “similar ideas on regional and global issues.”

He said that it would be beneficial if the parliamentary friendship groups of the two countries start communication.

Yildirim also recalled that Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his Chinese counterpart made important decisions on the strengthening of relations between the two countries during their meeting at the recently held G20 summit in Argentina.

Li, for his part, said Turkey plays an important role in international and regional issues. “Turkey is an important and developing country and an emerging economy,” he added.

He also said that China supports Turkey’s efforts “to preserve its own national security, stability and legitimate right.”

Li said that China is ready to enhance cooperation between the two countries based on mutual benefits.

China is ready to further develop, deepen and increase relationship between the Chinese and Turkish parliaments, he added.