Turkey brought back 777 of its nationals from Morocco, Algeria, Italy, and the U.S. early on April 25 as part of its ongoing repatriation efforts.

It is working to bring back nearly 25,000 citizens for the Muslim holy month of Ramadan who have been stranded abroad because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

A total of 277 returned from Morocco on a special Turkish Airlines flight that arrived in Ankara.

Following mandatory health checks, passengers were transported to central Aksaray province to be quarantined at a student dormitory.

A flight from the US returned 282 Turks to Ankara, including eight babies, and they were sent to dormitories in the city for quarantine.

In central Malatya province, 109 passengers, including nine Algerians, arrived from Algeria and placed in quarantine at a student dormitory.

Another flight with 194 Turkish citizens from Italy landed in the central Turkish province of Karaman and passengers were taken to a student dormitory where they were quarantined.

On April 24, Turkey returned more than 3,800 nationals from several countries as part of its repatriation operation.