At least 28 Catalonia police, 15 protestors injured in pro-independence protests in Barcelona, 10 persons arrested so far.

Spain looks for ways to end the Catalan conflict, as pro-independence protests paralyze life in Barcelona, a government spokeswoman said on Friday.

Isabel Celaa, spokeswoman for the Spanish government, said Spain wants to open dialogues with Catalonia to end the conflict.

Speaking to media following Spanish Cabinet meeting in Barcelona, Celaa called on pro-independence protestors to avoid violence.

Celaa said that the Spanish government is democratically working for the well-being of all citizens and wants to open a channel with Catalonia to end this conflict.

Moreover, Celaa announced that the Spanish Cabinet decided to raise minimum wage per month to €900 ($1,025).

In Spain, low-paid workers were recently getting €736 ($838) per month.

Moreover, Celaa said that the Spanish government decided to change Barcelona El Prat Airport’s name to Josep Tarradellas.

Exiled in Spanish dictator Francisco Franco’s era, Tarradellas was the president of Catalonia autonomous government in 1950s after Franco’s death.

Celaa added that Spain will invest €112.77 million ($128,4 million) for Catalonia highways’ maintenance and repair works.

Meritxell Batet, territorial policies minister, emphasized the Spanish constitution doesn’t have the “right to self-determination” which pro-independence protestors in Catalonia demand.

Batet said that the Spanish government wants to resolve this problem with dialogues and in accordance with the law.

Meanwhile, Elisenda Paluzie, president of pro-independence non-governmental organization Catalan National Assembly, said in her speech that the Spanish Cabinet is treating them as a colony.

At least 28 Catalonia police, 15 protestors were injured in pro-independence protests in Barcelona, 10 persons were arrested so far.

Life paralyzed in Barcelona

Pro-independence protests over the Spanish Cabinet meeting in the capital of Catalonia paralyzed the city life in Barcelona.

The Cabinet meeting, chaired by Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez, was held under “independence” slogans.

The protests come after a call by the Committees for the Defense of the Republic, a pro-independence protest group.

The protesters began demonstrating early in the morning by blocking main roads and setting tires on fire.

Around 1,000 Barcelona connected train services were canceled because of the strikes. Some passengers arrived at Barcelona El Prat Airport 12-15 hours earlier than scheduled time.

On Thursday, Sanchez met with Catalan leader Quim Torra and vowed for “effective dialogue”, to solve the political crisis.

According to Spanish newspaper El Pais, Sanchez’s decision to hold a Cabinet meeting in Barcelona is seen as “provocation” by pro-independence groups as the date coincides with the first anniversary of Dec. 21 regional elections called by the central government after Catalan powers were suspended.

Former Catalan leader Carles Puigdemont led a parliamentary session last year that saw separatist lawmakers vote for the region of Catalonia to declare independence from Spain.

Puigdemont and 12 other separatist leaders were officially charged with rebellion.