NEW YORK – After weeks on a warlike footing and suffering thousands of deaths, New York’s governor said Monday that the state appears to be on the “descent” from its apex of coronavirus cases.

New York is approaching a quarter-of-a-million confirmed coronavirus cases and more than 14,000 deaths. What was anticipated to be a mountain-shaped peak on the statistical curve has been more of a plateau, but at a very high level for an extended period.

“The question now is, assuming we are off the plateau and we are seeing a descent — which the numbers would suggest we are seeing a descent — the question is now, how long is the descent and how steep is the descent?” Governor Andrew Cuomo said. “And nobody knows — just the way nobody knew how long the ascent was.”

New York is the hardest hit state in the United States. It has been 51 days since its first diagnosed case of COVID-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus.