Social events, such as henna nights, engagement ceremonies and circumcision parties, which gather big crowds, will not be allowed in 14 provinces, including the capital Ankara, as the number of new infections remained on an upward trend in Turkey.

The curbs cover the provinces of Adana, Ağrı, Bursa, Çorum, Diyarbakır, Erzurum, Gaziantep, Kayseri, Konya, Mardin, Şanlıurfa, Van and Yozgat, most of them in the Central Anatolian, eastern and southeastern regions in the country.

A directive issued by the Interior Ministry also said that the duration of wedding ceremonies is limited to one hour and food and beverages will be not served at such events.

According to the directive, people aged 65 and over as well as children aged under 15 will not be allowed to attend wedding ceremonies unless they are from the immediate family of the bride and the groom.

At least one official will be assigned to supervise whether the measures are properly implemented at such social events.

Chairs and tables at wedding venues will be arranged to make ensure social distancing and cover the dance floors.

The measures are taken due to the fact that COVID-19 spreads fast in crowded social events, the ministry noted. The ministry added that those who violate the anti-virus measures will be fined and legal actions may be taken against the violators.

Meanwhile, the flexible work scheme has been introduced with a presidential decree for public servants.

The flexible work includes work from home and rotating shifts in a way that they should not hinder and interrupt public services.

The respective presidential decree was published on the Official Gazette.