Opposition Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) has decided not to nominate metropolitan mayoral candidates in Turkey’s three biggest provinces, in a bid to support the People’s Alliance formed with the ruling Justice and Development Party.

MHP leader Devlet Bahçeli announced the party’s decision in a speech he made in Turkey’s southern province of Antalya on Nov. 24.

“No matter who the Justice and Development Party nominate in the three biggest provinces we will provide full support. There has been no bargain, collusion, give-and-take process in [expressing] our will,” he said.

“We have our own nominees in every other place,” he added.

Bahçeli also vowed continuing support to the People’s Alliance and transition to the presidential system of government following the referendum in 2017.

“Whoever takes aim at the presidential government system will find us standing up against. The matter is about the People’s Alliance, the presidential government system, and the composition and formation of local administrations in harmony with these two,” he said.

After their successful joint efforts to win the presidential system of government referendum in 2017, AKP and MHP formed the People’s Alliance ahead of the June 24 parliamentary and presidential elections.

However, the two party leaders have not yet agreed on a nationwide collaboration in the local elections on March 31, 2019.