The main opposition Republican People’s Party (CHP) leader has questioned the capacity of the government in rolling out reforms and said it will fail to accomplish them.

“I want them to make reforms, but they cannot. What area will they do it in? If they say the economy, will they provide independence to the Central Bank? Regarding other independent institutions, will they ensure their independence? No. Are economic data transparently transferred to our citizens? How much is the Social Security Institution’s [SGK] deficit?” he said in an interview with private Olay TV broadcaster.

“They will not reform the economy. A country should make one-year or five-year development plans. Some developed countries make 50-year plans. We do not even have a planning institution left,” he said, referring to the closure of an organization solely focused on state planning.

Kılıçdaroğlu criticized the government for not being able to meet the budget deficits due to poor economic management and for wasteful spending of resources.

He also suggested that the government was not capable of making reform in the judiciary and said this was the reason for insufficient foreign investment in Turkey. “Why is there no investment or foreign investment? Have you made a legal reform? Have you ensured freedom of thought and press freedom?” he asked.

“Here’s the problem: People don’t trust those who run the state. Insecurity is growing,” the CHP leader said.

“What does judicial reform mean? It means that the judiciary is not under the influence of the political authority or other authority. They say we will reform,” he said and cited the case of the candidacy of Supreme Court Head İrfan Fidan, former Istanbul Chief public prosecutor, to become a member of the Constitutional Court. Fidan has not even concluded any case at the Supreme Court before being nominated for the Constitutional Court, he said.

“He has no signature under any decision [at the Supreme Court]. Now you want to make him a member of the Constitutional Court. Is this legal reform if 101 members of the Supreme Court of Appeals signed in favor of İrfan Fidan to send him to the Constitutional Court with an instruction from the center?” he said, suggesting an instruction from the presidency.

Fidan was elected as a member of the Supreme Court on Oct. 27, 2020. He became a candidate to be a member of the Constitutional Court in an election to be held in the General Assembly of the Supreme Court of Appeals.

Elaborating on a call made by Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) leader Devlet Bahçeli for closing down the Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP), Kılıçdaroğlu said, “We do not know if [President Recep Tayyip] Erdoğan wants it to be closed, but Bahçeli does. Let him continue, then what is he doing in the People’s Alliance? “Maybe he is looking for a separation ground because there is a serious drop in the MHP’s votes.” The CHP leader was referring to the People’s Alliance of the AKP and MHP.