Israel’s Quneitra border crossing was closed four years ago at height of conflict in neighboring Syria.

Israel announced Thursday that it had made all necessary preparations to reopen its main border crossing with Syria to UN troops following a four-year closure.

“The crossing is ready to be opened as it was before,” Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman told reporters during a visit to the Quneitra border crossing in the occupied Golan Heights.

According to Lieberman, once the crossing is re-opened, Druze farmers in the Golan will once again be able to sell their produce in Syria, while Druze women will be able to cross into Syria to get married.

In regards to the Palestine issue, Lieberman dismissed recent comments by U.S. President Donald Trump in which he stated his support for a two-state solution to the long-running dispute.

“A Palestinian state doesn’t interest me,” Lieberman said. “What interests me is a secure Jewish state.”