Libya’s democratic steps based on dialogue and national consensus in the political process offered an important window of opportunity for permanent peace in the country, the Turkish Foreign Ministry spokesman said on March 6.

Hami Aksoy, responding to a question in a written statement, said the historical opportunity in Libya should not be wasted for the sake of some ambitious countries.

Turkey will continue to provide the Government of National Unity with all kinds of support, Aksoy said, noting that the country welcomed the election of Libya’s new interim leadership to govern the country.

Turkey hopes that Prime Minister-designate Abdul Hamid Dbeibeh’s Cabinet will receive a vote of confidence, he added.

The government lineup will be debated by the Tobruk-based House of Representatives (parliament) which will convene on March 8 in the coastal city of Sirte for a vote of confidence.

On Feb. 5, Libyan delegates elected Mohammad Younes Menfi to head the three-member Presidency Council and Dbeibeh the new prime minister. The new executive authority will govern Libya in the lead-up to national elections on Dec. 24.

On Oct. 23, 2020, the U.N. announced a permanent cease-fire agreement between Libya’s warring rivals.

Libya has been torn by civil war since the ouster of late ruler Muammar Gaddafi in 2011.

Turkey supports the U.N.-recognized Government of National Accord based in the capital Tripoli, as well as a peaceful resolution to Libya’s problems.