2-day conference starting next Friday to be organized under auspices of Turkey’s Presidency.

Istanbul next week will host the Confederation of Asia-Pacific Chambers of Commerce and Industry (CACCI) 32nd annual conference.

The two-day event, which starts on Friday, is being co-organized by the CACCI and the Turkish Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges (TOBB) under the auspices of the Turkish Presidency.

The conference is set to focus on measures for stronger investment and production opportunities with the help of experts.

Sessions will tackle such issues as chambers’ role in business, innovation, digitization, regional integration, sustainable development, and the global economy.

During the conference, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Turkish Tarde Minister Ruhsar Pekcan, Deputy Director-General of the World Trade Organization (WTO) Yi Xiaozhun, and the CACCI and TOBB presidents are expected to give speeches.

Dozens of speakers — commerce chambers, business council, and NGO representatives, advisors, entrepreneurs, and business-people — will also attend.

Rifat Hisarciklioglu, head of the TOBB, said: “The Asia-Pacific Region includes 40 percent of the world’s population and 23 percent of the global economy.”

“We take note of the growing importance of the Asia-Pacific Region for the global economy and we strive to harness a synergy that will be a win-win for all,” he added on the conference’s website.

The CACCI countries’ annual exports in goods and services total some $5 trillion, he noted.

Jemal Inaishvili, head of the CACCI, invited all member countries to attend the conference in Istanbul, Turkey’s business hub.

“Turkey’s economy is on the upswing, with growth gathering momentum last year, driven by strong fiscal stimulus and a strong recovery in export demand,” he underlined on the conference’s website.

He also said: “Turkey continues to transform itself into one of the world’s economic powerhouses, and to explore areas that offer growth potential for your respective companies.”

The conference will be held at the Ciragan Palace Kempinski Hotel.