Protestors denounce Netanyahu’s decision to approve Gaza cease-fire deal.

Hundreds of Israelis demonstrated in Tel Aviv on Thursday to demand the resignation of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for a cease-fire deal with Gaza-based Palestinian factions.

Around 400 protesters from Jewish settlements around Gaza set off a demonstration against Netanyahu by blocking traffic on one of the main roads in Tel Aviv’s city center.

Protestors denounced Netanyahu’s decision to approve the cease-fire deal and accused him of falling in leading the country.

“The south will not be silent anymore,” said banners carried by demonstrators.

Protesters said the Netanyahu government was insufficient in providing security in the Jewish settlements in the south of Israel; with slogans that included, “Bibi we don’t need you, go back home.”

“We’re paying the government to solve the problems. We want these people to do their job,” said protester Adele Raemer.

On Wednesday, scores of Israelis demonstrated outside the Knesset in Jerusalem to call for the Netanyahu’s resignation.

Since Sunday, at least 14 Palestinians have been martyred by Israeli airstrikes and artillery across the blockaded territory.

On Sunday night, an Israeli officer was killed — and another injured — in a botched ground operation in Gaza.

Tensions appeared to ease slightly Tuesday after Israel and Gaza-based resistance factions agreed to an Egypt-brokered cease-fire.

Since 2006, Israel has been keeping the Gaza Strip a land, sea and air blockade.

Reporting by Mustafa Deveci, Writing by Jeyhun Aliyev