More police and security forces being deployed after gunman opens fire at Christmas market, killing two and wounding 12.

France and Spain are beefing up security in the aftermath of a shooting at a Christmas market in Strasbourg.

Following a crisis meeting, French Prime Minister Edouard Philippe announced Wednesday at a press conference that the country will deploy more security personnel during the Christmas season.

Around 720 police, soldiers and SWAT team officers in Strasbourg will be reinforced with 500 additional soldiers and another 1,300 in the coming days to guard public places, Philippe said.

On Tuesday night, a gunman opened fire at a Christmas market in Place Kleber square before fleeing the scene. Security forces raided his home but failed to find him.

Paris prosecutor Remy Heitz said two people were killed and one was left in a vegetative state while at least a dozen were wounded, with six in critical condition.

French police issued a wanted poster identifying the suspect as 29-year-old Strasbourg-born Cherif Chekatt, who was known to the security services in France, Germany and Switzerland for petty crimes.

In Spain, the Interior Ministry decided to further strengthen security measures across the country ahead of Christmas, according to a report by Spanish news agency EFE. The ministry will deploy more police and security forces in crowded areas where Christmas celebrations will take place.