History of 1990s still has not been overcome in Balkans, says Jean-Claude Juncker.

President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker on Friday warned of a new war in Balkans, if the countries in the region are left without European perspective.

“If such a complex European region gets an impression that we are not serious with the European perspective, we will experience — sooner rather than later — what we saw in the Balkans during the 1990s,” Blic, a Serbian daily, quoted Juncker as saying.

Juncker was speaking at the Austrian parliament in Vienna.

He said the history of the 1990s still has not been overcome in the Balkans, referring to break-up of former Yugoslavia following a deadly conflict in the region.

Juncker called on the EU to not allow the “birth of idea” in the Balkan countries that it is not serious about their accession to the bloc.

Only two former Yugoslav states — Slovenia and Croatia — joined the EU, while negotiations with Serbia and Montenegro have already started.

Bosnia and Herzegovina are recognized by the EU as a “potential candidate.”