Turkey on May 29 opened a second emergency hospital in the Turkish metropolis Istanbul as part of the country’s continued fight against coronavirus.

The new Dr. Feriha Öz Emergency Hospital in Istanbul is named after a world-renowned Turkish pathologist who was claimed by the virus this April.

Attending the opening ceremony were Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, Health Minister Fahrettin Koca, and other top Cabinet ministers.

Speaking at the opening, Erdoğan stressed the importance of emergency hospitals for tackling the virus.

“More than 190 countries asked Turkey for healthcare aid, and we helped more than 90 of them,” he added.

Turkey’s health insurance system is attracting interest, with groups from various countries coming to Turkey to see how it works, the president said.

Turkey’s healthcare system, hospitals, and insurance system will continue drawing interest worldwide, he added.

Key healthcare investments

The COVID-19 pandemic demonstrated how important investments in the nation’s health care are, Koca told the opening ceremony.

Underlining that Turkey has achieved exemplary success globally in fighting the pandemic, Koca said Turkey will become a hub country for health care.

He also stressed that the country should continue its measures against COVID-19, as the pandemic has not yet run its course.

On Turkey’s new hospitals, he said they would serve the public on an ongoing basis, not only during disasters and epidemics.