The number of residents in Turkey taking domestic trips in the second quarter of the year has risen 6.1 percent annually, the country’s statistical authority said on Nov. 7.

“In the second quarter months of 2018, which are April, May and June, 15 million residents took domestic trips,” the Turkish Statistical Institute (TÜİK) said in a statement on its website.

“Domestic trips with one or more than one overnight, increased by 6.1 percent compared to the same quarter of the previous year and reached 18.8 million trips,” it added.

Domestic visitors in total went on 111.1 million overnight trips. While the average number of overnight trips was 5.9, average expenditure per trip was 392 Turkish Liras, according to the statement.

Trip expenditures for domestic tourists increased by 7.1 percent compared to the same quarter of the previous year and reached 7.3 billion liras ($1.7 billion).

The primary purpose of the trip was “visiting relatives” with 65.6 percent, followed by “travel, leisure or holiday” purposes with 25.8 percent and “health” purposes with 4.2 percent.

According to number of overnights by type of accommodation, only 9 million overnights took place at a hotel while more than 79 million stays were at the house of a friend or a relative.