23.5 C
Istanbul, TR
Sunday, September 29, 2024

Turkish court starts trial in absentia for 20 Saudis in Khashoggi murder case

A Turkish court on Friday launched a trial in absentia of 20 Saudi nationals indicted for their role in the murder of dissident Saudi...

EU sanctions members for non-refunding plane tickets

The European Commission launched an infringement procedure on July 2 against 10 member states for breaking EU law on air passenger rights. Under the EU...

Fransa’nın Yeni Başbakanı Jean Castex

PARIS - Fransa Cumhurbaşkanı Emmanuel Macron, yerel seçim yenilgisinin ardından, yeni programını hayata geçirebilmek için başbakan değişikliğine gitti. Macron, eski Cumhurbaşkanı Nicolas Sarkozy'ye yakın...

Leaders of Turkey, Russia, Iran hold online Astana summit

Protecting the political unity and territorial integrity of Syria is a priority for Turkey, President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan stressed on July 1, addressing an...

Germany investigates 30,000 suspects in pedophile probe in western Bergisch Gladbach

Germany is investigating some 30,000 suspects as part of a widening probe into a pedophile network in the western Bergisch Gladbach region, authorities said...

Chinese Professor Convicted of Stealing Trade Secrets for China

A U.S. judge found a Chinese professor guilty of economic espionage, stealing trade secrets and conspiracy following a four-day trial that ended Friday. Hao Zhang,...

Dünyada Corona Vakası Sayısı 10 Milyonu Aştı

Dünya genelinde Corona virüsü enfeksiyonu vaka sayısı 10 milyonu aştı. Vaka sayısının 2 milyon 500 bini geçtiği ABD salgından en fazla etkilenen ülke konumunda....

Egypt, Ethiopia and Sudan to agree Nile dam deal ‘in two weeks’

Three countries will reach a 'final agreement' in two weeks, Ethiopia announces after African Union online summit. Egypt, Ethiopia and Sudan will agree a deal...

UN Official Warns Against Israeli Annexation of Part of West Bank

JERUSALEM - As the July 1 date for Israel’s annexation of part of the West Bank approaches, international officials warn that the move would...

Çin’in Suudi Arabistan’dan Petrol Ithalatı 2 Kat Arttı

Çin'in Suudi Arabistan'dan ithal ettiği ham petrol miktarı mayısta geçen yılın aynı ayına göre yüzde 95 artarak 9 milyon 164 bin tona ulaştı. Çin'in haber...
