17.9 C
Istanbul, TR
Monday, September 30, 2024

EU Launches Global Campaign to Fund COVID Recovery

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen announced Thursday a new global fundraising campaign to finance the development and worldwide distribution of testing, vaccines...

Of Art and Revolution: SALT Online Screens ‘Unfinished Spaces’

As its latest arts event accessible from home, SALT Online is screening a documentary about Cuba’s National Art Schools in the midst...

Libyan Army Pauses Operations as Wagner Mercenaries Airlifted

The Libyan Army paused operations in Tarhouna, Bani Waleed and Nasma regions for 48 hours as the forces loyal to putschist Gen....

Çin’den ABD’ye ‘‘Soğuk Savaş’’ ve Hong Kong Uyarısı

Çin ile ABD arasındaki ilişkiler ticaret savaşı, Corona virüsü salgınının ardından Başkan Donald Trump’ın Çin’e yönelik suçlamaları ve Çin’in dünyanın finans merkezi...

Greece Calls for Return of Parthenon Marbles

Greece on May 23 urged Britain to return the Parthenon Marbles- often known as the Elgin Marbles- as one of the world’s...

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Trial Begins in Jerusalem

JERUSALEM - Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu went on trial Sunday on three cases of fraud, corruption and breach of trust. If...

As Lockdowns Ease, Europe Looks to Boost Summer Tourism

The coronavirus crisis has slammed one of the world's top tourist destinations — Europe — upending the region's cherished summer holidays and...

Spain to Begin Easing COVID-19 Restrictions in Madrid, Barcelona

The Spanish government Friday announced it will allow the cities of Madrid and Barcelona to ease their COVID-19-related lockdown measures beginning Monday.

US-China Tensions Rise as Beijing Signals Tightening Controls on Hong Kong

China's decision to propose new legislation tightening control over Hong Kong has sparked a wave of condemnation from American lawmakers and officials,...

Pakistan’da 107 Yolcu Taşıyan Uçak Yerleşim Alanına Düştü

Pakistan'ın Karaçi kentinde 107 yolcu ve mürettebatı taşıyan uçak düştü. Uçağın havalimanı yakınında yerleşim alanına düştüğü belirtiliyor. Can kaybının çok daha fazla...
