23.5 C
Istanbul, TR
Sunday, September 29, 2024

SpaceX Crew Dragon astronauts splash down in Gulf of Mexico

The splashdown was the first astronaut water landing since the end of the Apollo program in the 1970s. SpaceX has safely delivered two astronauts back...

Turkey slams US over oil deal with YPG in Syria

Turkey has slammed the United States for a deal inked between Delta Crescent Energy LLC and the YPG-led SDF over the Syrian oil reserves...

NYT: “ABD Üniversitelerinde 6.000’den Fazla Vaka”

New York Times gazetesinin ABD’de 270 yüksek okul ve üniversitede yaptığı çalışma, öğrenciler arasında 6.600 Corona virüsü vakası olduğunu ve 14 kişinin hayatını kaybettiğini...

White House, Democrats Remain at Odds Over Coronavirus Aid Deal

WASHINGTON - The White House and top congressional Democrats remained at odds Sunday over the scope of more assistance for 30 million American workers...

Birx: “ABD’de Salgında Yeni Aşamaya Gelindi”

Amerika Corona virüsü vakaları ve can kaybı sayısı konusunda dünyada açık ara lider konumunu sürdürüyor. Yaz aylarında salgın yeniden tırmanışa geçti ve son bir...

Trump: Federal agents to stay in Portland until police ‘clean-up’

US president tweets 'homeland security is not leaving' until police complete a 'clean-up of anarchists and agitators!' President Donald Trump has said the United States's...

Turkish model ‘proved effective’

Turkey has managed the pandemic better than the U.S., a Turkish doctor who works in New York has said. “Turkey managed this process much...

Başkan Trump: “TikTok’u Yasaklayacağız”

Başkan Donald Trump bir süredir yönetimin hedefinde olan TikTok’u ABD’de yasaklamayı planladığını söyledi. ABD Başkanı konuyla ilgili Cumartesi günü adım atabileceğini belirtti. ABD Başkanı Trump,...

US economy shrinks at record-breaking rate of 32.9% in Q2

The U.S. economy shrank at a dizzying 32.9% annual rate in the April-June quarter – by far the worst quarterly plunge ever – when...

US, China Are Playing a Dangerous Game, What Do Their People Say?

BEIJING - The recent closure of the Chinese Consulate in Houston and the U.S. Consulate in Chengdu mark a new low point in ties...
