23.7 C
Istanbul, TR
Saturday, June 29, 2024

Friends Scattered Across Turkey Meet at ‘Online’ İftar Dinner

A group of friends who live in Turkey’s different cities and are unable to get together due to the novel coronavirus outbreak...

Turkish Defense Firm HAVELSAN to Cooperate with TAI for Homegrown Fighter Jet

New cooperation has been initiated for Turkey's TF-X National Combat Aircraft (MMU), a joint project of the Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI) and...

Share of renewables in energy generation soars in Turkey

Nearly half of Turkey’s electricity production in April was generated by hydroelectric power plants, while the share of wind tribunes passed that...

SpaceX Satellites Visible over Turkey

A string of light was seen in Turkey's skies on April 29 night as SpaceX launched a batch of Starlink internet satellites.

Turkey’s E-commerce Volume Boost 39% in 2019

Turkey's e-commerce volume grew 39% in 2019 compared to the previous year, an industrial report revealed on April 29.

WhatsApp mesaj iletimini sınırlandırdı

Mesajlaşma uygulaması WhatsApp, yeni tip koronavirüs (Covid-19) krizinde yanlış bilgilendirmeyi yavaşlatmak için mesaj iletimine sınırlandırma getirdi. WhatsApp, son dönemde...

Facebook Shuts Hundreds of Russia-Linked Pages, Accounts

Facebook said Thursday it removed hundreds of Russia-linked pages, groups and accounts that it says were part of two big disinformation operations,...

Social Media’s Year of Falling From Grace

Silicon Valley has enjoyed years of popularity and growing markets. But 2018 has been rocky for the industry.

UK’s Gatwick Airport Remains Shut as Drones Spotted

Defence Secretary Gavin Williamson confirms deployment of army to support local police. Thousands of passengers were stranded with flight...

US Charges Two Chinese Hackers in Data-Theft Campaign

Two hackers acted in association with Chinese government to steal data from US, could face up to 27 years in prison.
