17.9 C
Istanbul, TR
Monday, September 30, 2024

ABD’de Eğlence Yerine Silahlı Saldırı: 7 Yaralı

ABD'nin Kaliforniya eyaletindeki Riverside şehrinde bulunan bir eğlence yerine silahlı saldırı düzenlendiği bildirildi. ABD'nin Kaliforniya eyaletindeki Riverside şehrinde bulunan...

US Muslims Launch Aid Campaign for Synagogue Victims

American Muslims have so far raised $111,000 for synagogue victims. Muslims in the U.S. launched an aid campaign for...

Cumhuriyet’in 95. yıldönümünü kutluyoruz

Ulu önder Atatürk’ün “Benim en büyük eserim” dediği Cumhuriyet’in 95. yılını büyük bir coşkuyla kutluyoruz. İLK ADRES ANITKABİR… RESEPSİYON...

Turkish Agency Sends 25 Aid Truckloads Daily to Syria

More than 4M Syrians still in need in northern part of country, says Turkish Red Crescent official. The Turkish...

World leaders to attend opening of Istanbul airport

Over 50 high-ranking guests from at least 18 countries to attend ceremony. Leaders from around the world will take...

US Synagogue Shooting Leaves 11 Dead, 6 Injured

Synagogue in Pittsburgh targeted by mass shooter; suspect in custody. At least 11 people were killed after a gunman...

Unsafe Food Costs $110 Billion Annually: World Bank

Low, middle-income countries face productivity loss, medical expenses due to unsafe food, bank's report shows. Food borne diseases cost...

Turkish scientist makes discoveries on cancer treatment

Discoveries boost hope for treatment of pancreatic, ovarian cancers. Turkish scientist Prof. Dr. Ali Mazhar Adli, who conducts studies...

Bedelli askerler yemin etti

Ankara, İzmir ve Manisa'da temel eğitimlerini tamamlayan bedelli askerlik yükümlüleri için yemin ve terhis töreni düzenlendi. Ankara'da Zırhlı Birlikler...

US actress rejects funding for film from Saudi prince

Scarlett Johansson cites war in Yemen, imprisonment of women in rejecting money from Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. Actress...
