24.6 C
Istanbul, TR
Sunday, September 29, 2024

Resmi olarak ABD ekonomisi Şubat ayında resesyona girdi

ABD ekonomisi, Şubat ayında tarihin en uzun genişlemesine son verdi ve Pazartesi günü ABD iş çevrimlerini belirlemek için arabulucu olarak görev yapan özel ekonomi...

Studies Show Lockdowns Prevented Millions of COVID Deaths

Lockdowns across the globe prevented millions of deaths from the novel coronavirus, new studies published Monday report. According to a study by the Imperial College...

Turkey’s Textile, Automotive Businesses See Quick Start, Recovery After Brief Virus Break

Textile and automotive factories reopened their doors in western Turkey’s industrial cities of Kocaeli and Sakarya and are operating at over 80% capacity while...

Turkish Airlines Turns to Onboard Hygiene Experts in Resuming Flights

National flag carrier Turkish Airlines (THY) has reduced the number of passengers on each flight in line with COVID-19 measures, but the airline has...

Turkey Willing to do Business in Libya, President’s Aide Says

Turkey is willing to do business in Libya as Turkish companies have a very long experience in contributing to the development of the North...

US Job Market Shows Improvement

Although the U.S. unemployment rate fell to 13.3 percent in May, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) monthly report issued Friday,...

US Pandemic Layoffs Surpass 42M as over 1.87M more Americans Left Jobless

The figures come one day before the government’s jobs report for May is expected to show that employers slashed 8 million jobs last month...

“Küçülme Benzeri Görülmemiş Düzeyde Olacak”

Avrupa Merkez Bankası (ECB) Başkanı Christine Lagarde, bankanın bu yılın dördüncü Yönetim Konseyi Toplantısı'nın ardından Frankfurt'ta düzenlenen basın toplantısında değerlendirmelerde bulundu. Anketlerin ekonomik düşüşte dibin...

Turkey to Explore Hydrocarbon Resources in EEZ Over Libya Deal’

Turkish authorities have made parceling of the economic zone in the eastern Mediterranean under a deal sealed with Libya, and Ankara is getting ready...

Turkey’s Inflation Up More Than Expected in May Amid COVID-19 Pandemic

Turkey's consumer price inflation climbed more than expected to 11.39% year-on-year in May, the national statistical body said on Wednesday, rising against a background...
