‘Yellow vest’ movement — protesting rise in fuel prices – spread to front yards of EU offices in Belgian capital Brussels.

The “Yellow vest” movement — protesting rise in fuel prices — has spread to the front yards of EU offices in Belgian capital Brussels on Friday.

The protests began on Friday noon in front of the two EU offices — European Commission and European Council headquarters.

The protesters set two vehicles — including a police car — on fire in the downtown, sparkled torches, launched stun grenades and damaged some road signs.

A great number of “yellow vest” protesters have been dispersed by police with tear gas and water cannons.

The protests also hindered public transport.

Protesters organized themselves under the name of “yellow vest” in France at first and they have been holding demonstrations across the country after diesel fuel prices went up more than 20 percent for a year.

This group previously announced that they would do protests in Wallonia, the French speaking region of Belgium, located in the southern part of the country.

In France, millions of people had also taken part in the nationwide demonstrations in May and June.